
Digital world

The digital world is here to stay
The digital world today includes websites, e-mails and social media. Banking, TV viewing and various choices are handled digitally. These new platforms help us to communicate, exchange information and showcase choices. Although we think we have come a long way, according to many researchers, we have only seen the beginning of the digital revolution.

The fact that people are claimed to be increasingly individualists and do not want to commit themselves as often as, for example, to membership or trust assignments in associations or political parties, is sometimes interpreted as increasing selfishness. The principle of mass organization, a societal phenomenon that has been incredibly important in Nordic society and for citizenship as it worked during the 20th century, is being exhausted and partly replaced by other forms of engagement. Modern engagement may look different, but social media is a novelty that has facilitated engagement in itself. The fact that one can easily switch the focus from one social issue to another on the web also means that knowledge and perspectives can spread and be exchanged between different business movements. In politics, too, we can sense the same disintegration as elsewhere: the big coherent stories must give way to an increasingly fragmented reality. Both post-structuralism and postmodernism are still phenomena older than the Web. But the web offers an environment where these theories can be realized in a visible way.

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