Best Canadian Pharmacy Online

Global CA Pharmacy

Buying drugs safely
To be sure of getting the right drug at the right dose, it is important that you go to an approved pharmacy to buy prescription drugs. If there are non-prescription drugs you need, you can also buy some at stores, gas stations or similar.

If you feel uncertain about your disease symptoms, you should always contact our health care provider Buy prescription drugs online . Our doctor will diagnose, possibly prescribe, and follow up on how your treatment works.

Always get your prescription drug at an approved pharmacy. Global CA Pharmacy has trained staff and purchases and handles medicines safely. The Canadian Medicines Agency supervises the pharmacies. All pharmacies that are approved in Canada are marked with the national pharmacy symbol.

You can treat mild illness symptoms yourself with non-prescription drugs. You can buy these at all pharmacies, but you can also buy some prescription drugs outside pharmacies if you are over 18 years old.

Shop for drugs online
Buying medicines, drug-grade supplements and diet supplements via the Internet can be easy. But it can also be illegal and dangerous to health.

There are several pharmacies in Canada and the EU that offer their customers to buy medicines online safely. Despite this, many Canada Agencies buy drugs in an illegal market instead.

In the illegal market, not only genuine goods are sold but also products that can be counterfeit, spiked or ineffective.

Counterfeit: Many drugs are skillfully made pirated copies of approved drugs. Therefore, as a consumer, you cannot be sure that you are getting the right drug or dose.

Spiked: Products that are claimed to be completely natural and harmless may contain drug substances. Sometimes even banned and dangerous content.

Ineffective: Some products that are sold online lack completely an active substance and give you no treatment at all.
Read more at the Cialis Super Active Medicines Agency about buying medicines safely .

From another EEA country
You may order medicines from another country within the EEA, provided the drug is for your personal use approved in the other EEA country and purchased at a pharmacy or equivalent in that country approved and prescription-free in Canada or, in the case of prescription drugs, has been prescribed by a competent EEA prescriber.
On the other hand, you can only order a quantity of medicines corresponding to a maximum of one year’s consumption. Remember that it is you who must prove that the conditions are fulfilled.

From a country outside the EEA
As a private individual, you may not receive medicines sent to you from a country outside the EEA – regardless of the type of drug. This means that you cannot order, for example, drug-classified supplements from countries outside the EEA.

Permission from the Canada Medicines Agency
A preparation that is classified as a drug in Canada is governed by Canadian law, regardless of whether it is classified as a drug or not in another country. This means that a permit from the Canada Medicines Agency may be required for you to bring medicines to Canada.

Read more at the Canada Medicines Agency about what applies to different medicines .

Pay duty and VAT
You who receive medicines as a postal item need to pay any customs duties, VAT and other taxes. If it is a transport company that handles the freight, it is the transport company that makes your customs declaration.

Drugs are always prohibited
You must never receive drugs classified by mail or package, regardless of where the drug comes from. The same is true for certain doping-classified drugs.

Shop supplements online
A dietary supplement is a food that is supposed to supplement the normal diet. Dietary supplements are covered by food law. When you buy supplements online, different rules apply.

Supplements or medicines?
It can be difficult to know if your product is a dietary supplement (ie food) or a drug. If a product is alleged to prevent or treat a disease, it is classified as a drug. If a product is a drug, rules apply other than to a dietary supplement. You should check the item description on both the item and the packaging to make sure it is not a drug you order.

If you are not sure whether your product is a dietary supplement or a drug, you can contact the Medical Products Agency before ordering the product.

If it turns out that you have ordered supplements that are classified as medicines and we stop your product, then you get a decision from us and the decision says how to proceed.

Trade from an EU country
When you buy supplements online in another EU country, you do not have to pay customs duties, VAT and possibly other taxes for the supplements.

Trade from a country outside the EU
When you buy supplements online from a country outside the EU, you will have to pay customs duties, VAT and possibly other taxes. Customs duty varies depending on the composition of the goods and from which country the goods come. In the Customs Tariff you can find the duty rate for your item. For food supplements, which are food, the VAT is 12 percent.

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